Dr Fiona Pienaar was the founding Chief Clinical Officer for Mental Health Innovations / Shout and is currently the Senior Clinical Advisor responsible for ensuring the organisation is abreast of global and national mental health trends, research and developments. Fiona is also a Senior Clinical Advisor for Whakarongorau Aotearoa New Zealand Telehealth Services.
Previously, Fiona was Director of Clinical Services at the UK charity, Place2Be. Fiona’s professional background includes teaching from primary through to tertiary level, counsellor education, mental health research and resource development, private practice and consultation. Fiona has also taught on the postgraduate counselling/psychotherapy programmes at the University of Auckland, NZ and the University of Cambridge.
Fiona has a PhD in Behavioural Science from the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences at the University of Auckland, a MEd in Counselling, a Professional Certificate in Coaching and various other counselling and teaching qualifications. Fiona has a passion for increasing young people’s understanding of mental health and wellbeing, and their access to support.