Professor Nick Titov

Executive Director, Australian MindSpot Clinic

Professor Nick Titov is Executive Director of the Australian MindSpot Clinic. MindSpot is a world leading digital mental health clinic serving 30,000 Australian adults each year. MindSpot was established in 2012 and is funded by the Australian Government.

Nick is also a Professor and a clinical researcher at Macquarie University, Australia. His work involves the development and delivery of digital mental health care. He has conducted more than 90 clinical trials of psychological treatments and has more than 250 peer-reviewed publications, including papers on models of implementation of digital mental health care across several countries.

In 2018, Nick established the MindSpot Academy which trains clinical students from across Australia to deliver digital psychological services. He also served as Chair of the Expert Advisory Group to the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare during the development of the Australian National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health Standards.

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