Marie Paldam Folker

Director of the Centre for Digital Psychiatry, Denmark

Marie Paldam Folker is Director of the Centre for Digital Psychiatry, Mental Health Services in the Region of Southern Denmark.  Marie is an expert digital mental health innovator and practitioner and has worked in the digital healthcare field for over 15 years specialising in digital mental health. Originally trained as an anthropologist, Marie is passionate about making a difference to people with mental illness and involving people with lived experience to inform and shape the development of digital mental health services.

At the Centre for Digital Psychiatry Marie is responsible for the development and implementation of digital mental health interventions with regional and national uptake. Her role is to identify and facilitate strategic partnerships at regional, national and international levels to ensure that digital mental health services are developed and deployed in a way that maximises benefits for end-users – both patients, relatives and mental health care providers.

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